Rosenbauer conceives the future – today!

From megatrend to firefighting trend

The challenges of our time.

Rosenbauer Concept Fire Truck

CFT technology in response to fire department megatrends.

The megatrends of our time are shaping the future of the fire service.

The pace of change on our planet has accelerated. The framework conditions and requirements 
that affect society and economy and that extensively influence our lives seem to be changing constantly and, above all, faster than ever before.

Making reliable predictions about the future, however, is becoming increasingly challenging. Thus, it can be of great advantage to notice medium-term future trends early and classify them according to one’s own sphere of influence. With the support of trend and future research tools, combined with scientific research methods and expert knowledge, it is possible to analyse changes, trends, and megatrends that are shaping the present and to draw possible conclusions - for the areas of fire and disaster prevention - about the future. Rosenbauer’s innovation and research department has now been using the tools of trend and future research for many years and publishes its findings in the so-called Rosenbauer Firefighting Trendmap, of which the fifth version is now available. 

The Firefighting Trendmap should help readers to critically examine possible future events in order to prepare themselves for future challenges, but also to seize opportunities at an early stage. Environmental changes caused by climate change, emerging global geopolitical conflicts and health impacts, social upheavals, dealing with limited resources, opportunities and risks of the mobility transition, as well as advancing digitalisation, all have their impact on the firefighting and disaster management sector.

Discover the Firefighting Trendmap 5.0

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Rosenbauer conceives the future - today.

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